Friday, July 30, 2004

Empty Rhetoric

Having heard part of John Kerry's acceptance speech at the democratic national convention and heard comments about how great it was, I felt compelled to make a satirical commentary exposing empty rhetoric for what it is. I don't know how the media and democrats can claim he told us why he should be president and revealed the details of his plans when in fact, he stood for the longest timing saying absolutely nothing.

To quote Kerry:

My fellow Americans, this is the most important election of our lifetime. The stakes are high. We are a nation at war – a global war on terror against an enemy unlike any we have ever known before. And here at home, wages are falling, health care costs are rising, and our great middle class is shrinking. Peopleare working weekends; they're working two jobs, three jobs, and they're still not getting ahead. We're told that outsourcing jobs is good for America. We're told that new jobs that pay $9,000 less than the jobs that have been lost is the best we can do. They say this is the best economy we've ever had. And they say that anyone who thinks otherwise is a pessimist. Well, here is our answer: There is nothing more pessimistic than saying America can't do better. "

As mentioned in a previous post, Kerry has greatly exaggerated the state of the economy. Wages aren't falling, the middle class isn't shrinking. Who is claiming "this is the best economy we've ever had?" In fact, it is Kerry who has claimed that this is the worst economy since the great depression, which is of course a lie (and lying would undercut the "restoring honesty to the White House" that he promises throughout his speech). At least Kerry seems to have backed of his "worst economy" claims to simply saying its not the best ever.

Quoting Kerry:
"We can do better and we will. We're the optimists. For us, this is a country of the future. We're the can do people. And let's not forget what we did in the 1990s. We balanced the budget. We paid down the debt. We created 23 million new jobs. We lifted millions out of poverty and we lifted the standard of living for the middle class. We just need to believe in ourselves – and we can do it again. "

Who is the we? Either John Kerry implies that the economy of the 1990s was simply the result of having a Democrat president, or taking credit as a senator. Of course, if the latter is true, he must share the blame for the alleged "malaise" of the past four years.

"As President, I will ask hard questions and demand hard evidence. I will immediately reform the intelligence system – so policy is guided by facts, and facts are never distorted by politics. "

Ah, brilliant. "Reform the intelligence system", what an insight. No one has thought of that until know. Thanks for all the details regarding your plans, Mr. Kerry.

"I know what we have to do in Iraq. We need a President who has the credibility to bring our allies to our side and share the burden, reduce the cost to American taxpayers, and reduce the risk to American soldiers. That's the right way to get the job done and bring our troops home. Here is the reality: that won't happen until we have a president who restores America's respect and leadership -- so we don't have to go it alone in the world. And we need to rebuild our alliances, so we can get the terrorists before they get us. I defended this country as a young man and I will defend it as President. Let there be no mistake: I will never hesitate to use force when it is required. Any attack will be met with a swift and certain response. I will never give any nation or international institution a veto over our national security. And I will build a stronger American military. . . . As President, I will fight a smarter, more effective war on terror. We will deploy every tool in our arsenal: our economic as well as our military might; our principles as well as our firepower. "

Essentially, he is saying he will do exactly the same things as Bush has done, but the mere presence of John Kerry in the White House will make our military stronger and every other nation on earth love us more.

"As President, I will not privatize Social Security. I will not cut benefits. "

Translation: I will do nothing about Social Security

"You tell middle class families to wait for a tax cut, so that the wealthiest among us can get even more."

Of course, because the last two tax cuts weren't across the board - Wait, what was that check I got in the mail from the IRS? Was that a tax refund? I must be one of the wealthiest among us then. Hold on, let me check ........ Damnit I'm not. This is an interesting turn; basically, Kerry is blaiming Bush for not doing something he actually did.

"Next, we will trade and compete in the world. But our plan calls for a fair playing field – because if you give the American worker a fair playing field, there's nobody in the world the American worker can't compete against. "

I don't even know what this means.

"And as President, I am determined that we stop being a nation content to spend $50,000 a year to keep a young person in prison for the rest of their life – when we could invest $10,000 to give them Head Start, Early Start, Smart Start, the best possible start in life."

What does this mean? Is he proposing to release every federal prisoner to save money in the budget?

"What if we find a breakthrough to cure Parkinson's, diabetes, Alzheimer's and AIDS? What if we have a president who believes in science, so we can unleash the wonders of discovery like stem cell research to treat illness and save millions of lives? What if we do what adults should do – and make sure all our children are safe in the afternoons after school? And what if we have a leadership that's as good as the American dream – so that bigotry and hatred never again steal the hope and future of any American?"

Here is the punchline: Everything will be better because John Kerry will be president. Simply because of that - he doesn't need to do anything, he has the midas tough. With Kerry as president, diseases will be cured, bigotry will end, children will be safe, everyone will love one another. It's so easy.

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