Monday, September 15, 2008

Become a Community Organizer: Campaign for Obama

Here is a photo of signs post all around downtown Harrisburg, advertising for "Community Organizers":

That's right, working as a "community organizer" is essentially the same as working to elect Obama. Here is the job description, from a Marxist group called Citizens for a Progressive Future.

Of course, this should surprise no one.  Despite the faux outrage from liberals that Republicans have mocked Barack Obama's background as a "community organizer," this is the kind of thing community organizers - at least the variety that Obama worked for and with in Chicago - actually do.

Steven Malanga writes how these community organizers rely on taxpayer fund to essentially advocate for more taxpayer funding:
Meanwhile, groups like the radical ACORN have used government funding to run voter-registration drives that are supposed to be nonpartisan efforts but that have concentrated in signing up voters in heavily Democratic districts to elect politicians who advance ACORN's political goals and protect funding for community activists.
Michelle Malkin notes the same reliance on taxpayer funding of political activity, as well as the voter fraud and illegal activity frequently done by groups like ACORN:
Last week, Milwaukee's top election official announced plans to seek criminal investigations of 37 ACORN employees accused of offering gifts to sign up voters (including prepaid gas cards and restaurant cards) or falsifying driver's license numbers, Social Security numbers or other information on voter registration cards.

Last month, a New Mexico TV station reported on the child rapists, drug offenders and forgery convicts on ACORN's payroll. In July, Pennsylvania investigators asked the public for help in locating a fugitive named Luis R. Torres-Serrano, who is accused "of submitting more than 100 fraudulent voter registration forms he collected on behalf of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now to county election officials." Also in July, a massive, nearly $1 million embezzlement scheme by top ACORN officials was exposed.

ACORN's political arm endorsed Obama in February and has ramped up efforts to register voters across the country. In the meantime, completely ignored by the mainstream commentariat and clean-election crusaders, the Obama campaign admitted failing to report $800,000 in campaign payments to ACORN. They were disguised as payments to a front group called "Citizen Services, Inc." for "advance work."
 And Capital Research Center has a good discussion of the background of Obama/Alinsky community organizing, and its background in Marxist ideology.

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